We believe in the transformative power of theology books. Our mission is to bridge the gap between surplus academic theological books in the UK and the majority world theology libraries in need, ensuring that every community has access to the knowledge and joy of God that theology books bring.
'신학책들에게는 삶을 바꾸는 힘이 있다.' 이 믿음으로 영국에서는 더 이상 유용하게 사용되지 않는 신학관련 학술책들을 책이 간절하게 필요한 세계 각 지역 신학 도서관들에게 연결해 전해주고자 하는 것이 본 단체의 미션입니다. 세계 곳곳의 모든 공동제에게 하나님을 깊게 알아가는 지식과 기쁨을 맛 볼 기회가 주어져야 한다고 확신합니다. "
A Day of Prayer, Support, and Discovery by Rev David Kim from Hallelujah Community Church
A Day of Prayer, Support, and Discovery by Rev David Kim from Hallelujah Community Church
Hannie Riley, 5 July 2024
Visit of Cha, Inpyo and Shin, Aera with Prof Lee, Jungsook
Visit of Cha, Inpyo and Shin, Aera with Prof Lee, Jungsook
OTRL, 3 July 2024
The fourth batch safely arrived with 124 books.
The fourth batch safely arrived with 124 books.
Hannie Riley, 7 June 2024
Appeal from Emmanuel Theological College in Myanmar
Appeal from Emmanuel Theological College in Myanmar
Rev Dr David Brang Htan, 4 May 2024